GitHub Actions Setup#

We are using GitHub Actions for a variety of purposes, including continuous integration.


Make another version of the test sheet document, to be used specifically for the CI server. Add the CI test document identifier as a repository secret called GOOGLE_SHEETS_TEST_DOCUMENT_ID.


1. Continuous Integration#

The “python-app.yml” configuration file specifies what steps should take place during the CI build, including running automated tests to ensure the code is working as desired.

It requires the GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS repository secret. In GitHub repository settings, find the secrets and variables menu for “actions”, and add a “New repository secret” called GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS, and paste the JSON content from the “google-credentials.json” file. Make sure there isn’t an extra space or new line at the end!

2. Package Release#

The “python-publish.yml” configuration file triggers an update of the PyPI package when a new GitHub release is published.


To set this up, you need to obtain a PyPI access token and set it as a repository secret called PYPI_API_TOKEN. See:

We want to give the token project-level access only, so first create a project:

Then when you generate the token, give it access to this project only.

3. Docs Site Deployment#

The “docs-deploy.yml” configuration file triggers an update of the documentation site hosted on GitHub pages.

To make it work for the first time, configure github pages deploy from github actions in the repository settings.